Sunday, February 1, 2009

First Words

Okay, it's been a ridiculously long time since I posted. It all started when I forgot to take my camera to Christmas day at my mom's, and I've been in a posting funk since then. But today, there is some big news. News that a camera didn't capture, so it requires a post.

That's right, Ezra said his first words. I'm not actually sure it qualifies for the plural description, because it was the same word, but he did say it several times. So what were the first words out of the mouth of our genius babe? "Night night." Clear as day, and in immediate response to my telling him to say "night night" to everyone.

Surely, there will be sceptics out there (like my husband) who will think that this was just baby babble. In fact, I now realize that he has been practicing trying to say this for a while. It just never happened at a time that I recognized it as intentional. Anyway, Veronica & I agree that he clearly said "night night."

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