Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mile Markers

Although I love the photos, I had better note some of the important things happening in Ezra's life these days. He has started on solid foods. It was a bit rocky at first. Nothing seemed very appealing in the taste department. Fortunately, the desire to eat won out and now Ezra seems pretty excited when he sees food. So far he has tried avocado, banana, oat & rice cereals.

As of today, Ezra has 3 teeth. Two on the bottom and one on top. There is a 4th about to pop through.

Sitting is getting stronger by the day. He can balance for about 5 seconds and is just starting to catch himself a little when he starts to lean.

Ezra is a very happy baby. He chatters and squeals. He smiles and laughs. He also has his quiet moments when he is busy observing life going on around him. His personality reminds me so much of Nico. He is so enthusiastic and loving, yet seems to have a very patient side also. Some people would say he gets that from his dad I guess...

Veronica has been such a joy to have with us. Ezra adores her, and I think the feeling is mutual. She is very careful to follow whatever protocol Nick & I set regarding any new developments. I still have moments of mommy guilt that I am not home with him all of the time, but they are offset by knowing what a wonderful relationship he is building with Veronica.

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