Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fashion Show

Here's Ezra wearing an adorable little outfit Mer got him at the Blue Ridge Eco Shop.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fashion Show

Here Ezra models an outfit imported exclusively for him from Colombia by his au pair Veronica.

Monday, June 23, 2008

3 Months Old!!!

As of yesterday Ezra is 3 months old. He's growing like crazy too. He sleeps very well, waking only once at night to eat. The white noise machine set to ocean waves is the best thing that ever happened to our nighttimes! We have been working on getting a bedtime routine going. When he seems to be nearing the sleepy time he has a bath, then if he seems like he'll let me I rub his arms & legs with lotion. After that he gets wrapped up in the miracle blanket and I nurse him. By the end of nursing he is usually very sleepy and will go to sleep in his bassinet.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Liz & Julia

My good friend Liz and her daughter Julia came to stay with us for two weeks this month. They came to help with interim care for Ezra. It was great to see them and spend so much time together. Nick & I have seen Julia a few times before, but she really opened up being here for so long. She started speaking in sentences while she was here, saying "Mama right back" and "rock baby". Okay, maybe those aren't full sentences, but we were all pretty impressed.

Unfortunately I didn't get photos, but at least Liz got one. I wish I had a photo of Julia "rocking" the baby, which was her pushing down the bouncy seat and almost catapulting Ezra across the room. Luckily he was strapped in. I also wish I had a photo of Julia with Toby. She had no fear of him and in consequence he was unusually calm around her. I think he even enjoyed it when she was hitting him on the head with Mr. Potato Head.

Jane, Charlie, Morgan & Ezra

Here are Jane and Charlie with Morgan and Ezra. Jane and Charlie are Zoe's boyfriend Ned's children. They are alot of fun to be around. They are all very good with Ezra too!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Smiley Boy

Here's the first photo of Ezra smiling! He does that alot these days. He loves to coo and talk too.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Daddy's first trip out of town

Nick left town a few days ago to go to Portland Oregon for a conference. I was really nervous about being all by myself caring for Ezra and working during the days. My main concern was getting enough sleep at night. Luckily, Ezra has started sleeping very well. He often only wakes up once in the night, and will usually go back down after eating, which is a new thing.